2023Outstanding Column
It Started with an Ask: The AHRA Education Foundation and the Creation of the Certified Radiology Administrator (CRA) credential by John Beall (March/April 2023)
Outstanding Article
The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting: Why Mentorship is Essential by Brenda DeBastiani (March/April 2023)
2022Outstanding Column
“5 Things I Wish I Knew Early in the Pandemic”, Laurie Hitzel, CRA (Nov/Dec 2022)
Outstanding Article
“How Many Projects is Too Many? Working through the Perfect”, Jack Durbin, CRA (Sep/Oct 2021)
2019Outstanding Column
Time for a New Technologist Training Paradigm?”, Philip A. Femano and Carolann Nielsen (July/August 2018)
Outstanding Article
Employee Engagement and Organizational Success”, Sharon Harms (November/December 2018)
2018Outstanding Column
The Heart of a Leader”, Charles D. Stamper, CRA (January/February 2018)
Outstanding Article
Patient-and Family-Centered Radiology”, Carrie Stiles, CRA (July/August 2017)
2017Outstanding Feature Article
Success through Servant Leadership," Jacqui Rose (May/June 2017)
Outstanding Column
Four Ways to Enable, Educate, and Engage Patients," Randy Blue (Sep/Oct 2016)
2016Outstanding Column
Regulatory Changes ahead for Medical Imaging"
Sheila M. Sferrella, CRA, FAHRA
Sep/Oct 2015
Outstanding Feature
Effective Leadership in the 21st Century"
Jacqueline Jones, RT(R), CNMT
Nov/Dec 2015
2015Outstanding Column
Transformational Leadership: A 21st Century Tool for Imaging”
Mark Toatley, CRA
Outstanding Feature
Competencies in Imaging Administration"
Kimlyn Queen, CRA, FAHRA
2014Outstanding Column
Finding and Mentoring the Next You"
Paul Dubiel, CRA, FAHRA
Outstanding Article
How Healthcare Leaders Can Increase Emotional Intelligence"
Jason Scott, CRA, FAHRA
2013Outstanding Column
Exposing Safety: Putting Patients First in Imaging Departments"
Rachel Giliotti, MBA, RT(R)(T)
Outstanding Article
Building a Culture of Excellence from the Ground Up"
Alicia R. Campbell
2012Outstanding Article
TRACE Program: Improving Patient Safety”
Brenda Rinehart, CRA, FAHRAOutstanding Column
Superstars: To Hire or Not to Hire?”
Mark Lerner
2011 Outstanding Article
A Lean Six Sigma Journey in Radiology”, May/June 2011
Ronald V. Bucci, PhD, Anne Musitano, RPh, PharmD, MBOE, BB Outstanding Column
Intentional Leadership”,
September/October 2010
William R. Johnson, CRA, MBA, RT(R) 2010Outstanding Article
Mentoring for the Next Generation of New Managers", July/August 2009
Tasha Hisaw, BSRT, CNMT, RT(R)(N),Robert J. Comello, MS, RT(R)(CDT)Outstanding Column
Succession Planning: A Different Leadership Yardstick", July/August 2009
Carlos Vasquez, MSM, RT(R), CRA, FAHRA 2009Outstanding Article
Labor Transformations and the Challenges of a Multigenerational Workforce”, January/February 2009
Sandra K. Collins, MBA,Denise A. Vaughn, MSOutstanding Column
Quiet Heroes”, May/June 2009
Gary Boyd, FAHRA 2008Outstanding Article
Radiology Operations: What You Don't Know Could Be Costing You Millions” July/August 2007
Sam Joffe, Donna Drew, Manju Bansal, Michael HaseOutstanding Column
The Radiology Report: A New Look at an Old Standard” March/April 2008
Patricia Kroken, FACMPE, CRAPlease note the Creative Management Award was not awarded in 2008
2007Outstanding Article
Succession Planning and Leadership Development: Critical Business Strategies for Healthcare Organizations” January/February 2007
Sandra K. Collins, MBA and Kevin S. Collins RT(R)(T), CMD, MsEdCreative Management
Preparing for a JCAHO Survey: Utilization of Imaging Specific Tracers” March/April 2007
Paul Dubiel, MS, HCAOutstanding Column
Coding: May I Take Your Order Please?” September/October 2006
Melody W. Mulaik, MSHS, CPC, CPC-H, RCC 2006Outstanding Article (tie)
Full-Field Breast Tomosynthesis" Sept/Oct 2005
Andrew Smith, PhDand
Regulatory Compliance Associated with Contrast Media” Nov/Dec 2005
Catherine M. Stevens, RT(R)
Creative Management
Thinking Strategically About Imaging Capacity and Capital” Jan/Feb 2006
David Griffin, PhD, FAAHC, and Paul Dubiel, RT(R), MSOutstanding Column
Staffing Solutions: Performance Management and Corrective Action--Part 2” May/June 2006
Penny M. Olivi, MBA, RT, CRA 2005Outstanding Article
Identifying Elements of Job Satisfaction to Improve Retention Rates in Healthcare” May/June 2005
Becky Lamberth, MSRS, RT(R)(MR) and Robert J. Comello, MS, RT(R)(CDT)Creative Management (tie)
Building a Leadership Team That Works” January/February 2005
Emily M. Blomenberg, BS, CRA, RT(R)
Reinventing Radiology Reimbursement” March/April 2005
John Marshall, CRA, RT(R) and Denise Adema, RN, MBA Outstanding Column
Staffing Solutions: The Demands of the Workplace” September/October 2005
Penny M. Olivi, MBA, RT, CRA 2004Outstanding Article
The Impact of Tech Aides in Radiology” March/April 2004
Sheila M. Sferrella, CRA, FAHRA, and Cathleen P. Story, CRA Creative Management
PACS—and Beyond” May/June 2004
Mark A. Viau, CRA, FAHRAOutstanding Column (tie)
Solutions: Agency Free, a Map to Success" July/Aug 2003
Kenneth A. Fazzino, CRA, David Nelson and Melissa Hillebrandand
Comment: PACS without the Spin” January/February 2004
Kevin Kincaid 2003Outstanding Article
“Developing a Career Advancement Program”
Shirley L. Pinette, CRACreative Management
Staff Retention and Recruitment: ‘One Great Department'"
Wanda M. Casady, CRA, FAHRA and Terry A. Dowd, CRA Outstanding Column
“Regulations: When May a Radiologist Change or Add an Exam?”
Gary L. Duehring, Ph.D., CRA 2002Outstanding Article
Employee Retention Tools: Looking Beyond Radiology”
Denise Snuttjer Creative Management
Increased Productivity of a Digital Imaging System: One Hospital’s Experience”
David Sack Outstanding Column
Reality Check: Trust Your Mother, But Get it in Writing”
Michael Cannavo 2001Outstanding Article
The PACS Committee: The All-Important Human Element”
Gary Reed & Deborah Hobe ReedCreative Management
Developing a Self-Learning Training Program for RIS Computer Skills”
Penny Olivi & Rose Stike Outstanding Column
“Gunfight at the PACS Corral”
Gordon Ah Tye 2000Outstanding Article
The Challenge of PACS in a Small Hospital”
Mark CartierCreative Management
A New Approach to the Film Library: Time Unit Filing”
Jeffrey Palmucci Outstanding Column (first annual)
“I Want it, and I Want it Now!”
Gordon Ah Tye 1999Outstanding Article
Employee Satisfaction: Creating a Positive Work Force”
Mary Wright Creative Management
Children’s Hospitals and PACS: Six Profiles of Planning and Implementation”
Cynthia Keen 1998Outstanding Article
Simplifying the Management of the Environment of Care”
Joan OakleyCreative Management
Home-based Radiology Transcription and a Productivity Pay Plan”
Kelly Kerr 1997Outstanding Article
Image and Report Distribution on the Internet”
Mel AllenCreative Management
“Age Specific Standards in Radiology”
Estela I. Prieto, 1996Outstanding Article
“A Contemporary Perspective on Capitated Reimbursement for Imaging Services”
Howard W. SchwartzCreative Management
Scheduling: If Your RIS Cannot, Perhaps Your HIS Can”
Wanda M. (Rowe) Casady, Mark E. Moffett and William J. Bunnell 1995Outstanding Article
“Climbing the Ladder: Evolution of a Clinical Advancement Program”
J.D. MaceCreative Management
“Preparing Radiology Staff to Meet Service Goals: A Training Model”
Elizabeth Ricciardone 1994Outstanding Article
James B. Bova (no title given in Link)
Creative Management
“Using Quality Improvement to Manage the Installation of Capital Equipment”
Wayne T, Stockburger (co-authored with Joseph Soirez) 1993Outstanding Article
“Redesigning Radiology’s Work: An Imperative Model for the Future”
Loretta Hanwell and Howard SchwartzCreative Management
Gail Nielsen (no title given in Link)
1992Outstanding Article
“Sorting Out the Three Rs: RVU, RVS and RBRVS”
Ted Bergey Creative Management
“Approaching Clinical Advancement in Radiology”
JD Mace 1991Outstanding Article
“Subsidizing Screening Mammography Through Induced Revenues and Profits”
Herman KrugCreative Management
“Scheduling Strategies”
Ventura E. Olivares 1990Outstanding Article
“Evaluating Productivity and Budgeting Staff”
Howard Schwartz Creative Management (first annual)
“An Incentive Pay Program for Radiology Transcriptionists”
Shirley A. Hiltz and Cindy S. Wedel 1989Outstanding Article
“Today’s Crisis in Radiologic Technology Human Resources: A Call for Action”
Marilyn Fay 1988Outstanding Article (first annual)
“Incentive Plans: Has the Time Come?”
Glen G. (Skip) Watkins