Membership Options

AHRA Emeritus Status

In recognition of the loyalty and contributions of its long-standing members, AHRA established an Emeritus status. In order to be eligible for Emeritus status, an AHRA member must have a total of fifteen (15) years of current AHRA membership at the time of the request and no longer be employed in healthcare. Emeritus status is a lifetime membership for a one-time donation of $50 to the AHRA Education Foundation.

Apply for Emeritus Status

Individuals awarded AHRA Emeritus status may not vote or hold elected office but may continue to provide volunteer service to the organization.

Benefits of AHRA Emeritus status include:

• Lifetime membership
• Access to the AHRA online member directory
• Access to the AHRA Forum
• Access to the AHRA monthly newsletter, Link
• Additional 10% discount off member prices for select AHRA products
• Waiver of registration at one AHRA conference or seminar annually, upon request
• Access to the Digital Radiology Management 

Please Note: Annual renewal of Emeritus status no longer required.