
2025-2026 AHRA Board Nominations

The Leadership Development Committee is seeking candidates to  represent the membership and the profession on the 2025-2026 AHRA Board of Directors. There are four (4) Director-at-Large positions open and one (1) President-Elect position. AHRA members may nominate an AHRA member, in good standing, to serve on the AHRA Board of Directors. Self-nominations are also accepted. 

Nominations will be accepted until February 26 at 11:59 PM ET. 

Submit Your Nomination

You're Invited to Submit a Nomination

Hear from AHRA President Mario Pistilli, CRA, FAHRA, about the nomination process and why you should nominate yourself or a leader in our community for open AHRA Board positions.

Open AHRA Board Positions

Following are the descriptions for the open positions on the 2025-2026 AHRA Board of Directors.

In addition to their duties as a member of the board, the President-Elect is responsible to:


  • AHRA member in good standing
  • CRA in good standing
  • Served at least two years on the AHRA Board of Directors
  • Demonstrated leadership skills through a record of responsible service to the association
  • Knowledgeable about the programs and services of the association
  • Ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form
  • Demonstrated ability to exercise good judgement
  • Ability to be a good facilitator
  • Fair, reasoned, and impartial
  • Committed to serving the common interests of the membership 


The AHRA board meets monthly via conference, with a summer in-person meeting held prior to the AHRA Annual Meeting, and 1-2 additional in-person meetings as determined by the President. Special meetings via conference call may be held when needed.

DIRECTOR (4 Positions)


Three (3) years, with a maximum of two (2) three (3)-year terms in total on the AHRA Board of Directors unless the Director is elected to the office of President-Elect, in which case a third three (3)-year term on the Board of Directors is possible.


A Director is a member of the AHRA Board of Directors, which is responsible for governing the organization, and assuring that it succeeds in its mission. The affairs of the organization are managed under the direction and supervision of its Board of Directors. The Board acts as a body and individual directors have no authority unless the Board delegates it to them. Incoming board members shall be provided a general orientation program describing board member duties and responsibilities. Each board member shall be provided copies of the board policy and procedure manual, the Illinois Not-for-Profit Corporation Statute, a conflict-of-interest policy, a code of conduct policy and other orientation materials.

As directed by the Bylaws, AHRA Directors shall:

  1. Approve the goals and outcomes to be accomplished
  2. Assure that the desired goals and outcomes are achieved and ensure that the association's resources necessary for achievement are available and used efficiently
  3. Approve the budget and may retain and compensate such staff and legal counsel as it deems necessary to carry out the functions of the association.
  4. Determine association policies and be accountable for AHRA’s assets
  5. Have authority to contract on behalf of the Association and may adopt such rules and procedures for the conduct of the business of the Association as it shall deem advisable
  6. Have the authority to indemnify its directors, officers, employees, and agents in accordance with law.
  7. Have and exercise all other powers necessary or convenient to effect any or all of the purposes for which the Association is formed and may delegate any of its authority and responsibility unless specifically prohibited by these Bylaws or by law.

Directors are responsible to:

  1. Prepare for and are expected to attend all meetings of the board.
  2. Participate actively in association strategic planning including monitoring progress toward goals and altering direction in light of changing circumstances
  3. Respect and maintain confidentiality of information and protocols for representation of AHRA in the community and with the media.
  4. Vote on association policy and program issues
  5. Serve as a resource of knowledge, support and counsel to executive staff, committees, and other board members
  6.  Provide financial and programmatic oversight of the Association by monitoring and evaluating overall Association performance
  7. Ensure that the Association operates ethically and within applicable laws and regulations
  8. Assist in locating and developing funding sources for the association.
  9. Review and respond to all action and information requests from executive staff.
  10. Represent the association at the request of the President.


  • AHRA member in good standing
  • CRA preferred
  • Demonstrated leadership skills through a record of responsible service to the association
  • Knowledgeable about the programs and services of the association
  • Ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form
  • Demonstrated ability to exercise good judgment
  • Ability to be a good facilitator 
  • Fair, reasoned, and impartial
  • Committed to serving the common interests of the membership


The AHRA board meets monthly via conference, with a summer in-person meeting held prior to the AHRA Annual Meeting, and 1-2 additional in-person meetings as determined by the President. Special meetings via conference call may be held when needed.