Programs & Campaigns

About the Imaging Innovation Council (IIC)

The Imaging Innovation Council (IIC) exists to unify the voice of AHRA members and industry stakeholders on an overarching mission of advancing the field of medical imaging. This body of problem solvers and visionary leaders can together think and act on behalf of the industry proactively, rather than reactively. The Council seeks to accomplish its mission by having knowledge based dialogue built upon research of the AHRA community that will in turn provide actionable outcomes for the wider industry.
With innovation at its core, the IIC is committed to exploring and embodying newness by embracing change and hosting a forward-thinking mindset that cannot be capped by the “what was,” but is instead encouraged by the “what can be.” The Council’s role is derived from this commitment to innovation.

Through the Imaging Innovation Council, industry and AHRA can effectively equip all parties of the imaging community to advance the profession and progress healthcare.

Be sure to visit the IIC Resources Page to learn about the IIC's Building a Value Model Educational Series.