Convention Daily Author

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Signup Deadline: 07-19-2024
Starts: 08-04-2024
Ends: 08-07-2024


Submitting articles for Convention Daily, the Annual Meeting newsletter, presents an opportunity that we hope you'll commit to as active and engaged members of AHRA and the imaging industry.
Articles can be 250-1,000 words and will be proofread and copy edited as needed before being published. Photos can be submitted as well but aren't required. Here are some suggestions for the type of articles typically included, but you're only limited by your imagination:
  • If you are an AHRA Committee member, an article about what it is that your committee's goals or objectives are at the Annual Meeting
  • Reviews or perspectives on a session you attended
  • A forward facing look at what you're hopeful for regarding imaging as a career, or in impacting the future of healthcare
Sign up today to volunteer to contribute content to AHRA 2024 Convention Daily.

Volunteers Needed:

10 (10 open slots)

Experience Required:

No Experience Necessary

Hours (up to):



Jess Harju
Director of Membership